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Education Grant - Information

All Education Grants for Pre-School and New Entrants will be accepted at any time. Education Grant applications for Year 1 to Year 13 must be received no later than 31 December in the school year.

Please see a list of the different age group categories:

  • Pre-school (For full year attendance) – $110.00 per school year
  • New Entrant – $110.00 per school year
  • Year 1 to 10 – $110.00 per school year
  • Year 11 to 13 – $275.00 per school year

For students aged 0-5 years and students aged 15 years+ confirmation of enrolment in school is required.

To apply, please complete the below form: 

NOTE: Please wait for the confirmation message after you Submit your application. You will also receive an email confirming that we have received your submission.