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Ki te pupuri, ki te whakarea ake i nga rawa
(to hold and grow the assets)
Ki te whakanui ake i nga hua tuturu her painga mo te hunga whaipanga
(to increase tangible benefits to all shareholders)
Ki te whakahaere tika i nga rawa
(to manage the resources in a sustainable manner)
Ki te whakaroto ahuatanga whakapa tino pai
(to provide excellent communications)

To Tatou Kapa


Mana Newton

Group Chief Executive Officer

Mana is the current Group Chief Executive Officer. He is passionate about supporting Maori entities to grow their commercial capability in a kaupapa Maori framework.


Adele Barsdell

General Manager, Manaaki

Adele leads the Manaaki team who are skilled and passionate about working alongside and supporting our whanau to reach their individual and whanau aspirations.


Jamie Rihia

General Manager, Strategic Investment

Jamie leads our team looking after our commercial assets, managing performance, and looking for future acquisitions to unlock greater value for our shareholders and whanau.


Jahvis Davis

Executive Manager, Office of the CE & Governance

Jahvis oversees the Trust, Governance & Communication functions of the Trust group whilst supporting the Group Chief Executive and Governance members.


Owen Mitai-Wells

Chief Financial Officer

Mahina Puketapu

Chief Investment Officer

Mahina is humbled and excited about her role and the opportunity to contribute to the further development of opportunities for Tauhara North No.2 Trust and the whanau.