Whakapaa Mai Contact Us

Education is life. It has meant the survival of our people ‘back in the day’ and now. The Trust supports all forms of education and the aspirations of our whanau, through various grants and programme.

Ko te manu e kai ana te miro, nona te ngahere
Ko te manu e kai ana te Matauranga, nona te Ao! The bird that eats the miro berry, theirs is the forest
The bird who eats of education, theirs is the world!


TN2T can support your school aged Rangatahi with extra tuition in English and Maths. We will connect you with a Tuition provider near you and support you through the enrolment process. Tuition sessions are subsidised by the Trust. Get in touch for further information.

Hauora Whanau

During the times when the going gets tough, limited assistance is available to registered Trust whanau members, in urgent or emergency situations. If you are struggling with something, get in touch and we will do our best to help you.

Kaumatua Christmas gift

Every year as a token of aroha, the Trust sends out a small gift to all our kaumatua. In some cases (pre-COVID) this has even been hand-delivered by our staff.

Youth Camps 10- 15 years

Youth camps are held every year in January School holidays for school aged Rangatahi who are registered with the Trust. The intention of the camps is to strengthen the connection of your Rangatahi to their whenua. They are held on marae in Reporoa.  Activities may include outdoor adventure, sports, projects, waiata and kapa haka. Camps ages are Kia Mau 10-12 year olds, Kia Tu 13-15 year olds.

To ensure that your Rangatahi gets an invitation to apply for a space at the camps, simply ensure they are registered with us and their details are up to date. We will send you an invitation when the camps are open for applications.

Youth Events 16 – 25 years

Kia Manawanui Regional Youth events. The Kaupapa for these youth events is connection to Iwi, the Whenua, whanau and to the Trust. You can expect to learn more about your connection, get involved, meet new whanau and have a little bit of adventure while you are at. Invitations are sent out to registered youth in the regions when applications are open.

Interns (aka ORangers)

These are ex-Campers from 17 years of age who are specially selected to join the camps as trainee Camp Leaders. They are trained under the supervision of TN2Ts specialist Senior camp leaders in a range of skills such as small group management, team building activities, working with youth. They wear the orange high vis vests at camp so be sure to say hi when you see them.