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Kia mau ki te whenua
Whakamahia te whenua
Hei painga mo nga uri whakatipuranga



He mihi tuatahi ki to tātou kaihanga mō ona maaakitanga
Tuarua ki a rātou e hinga mai, e hinga atu ra mai to tātou whānau o tēnei tariti, okioki atu e
Ki a tātou te hunga ora, tātou e tau nei tēnā tātou katoa.

Nau mai haere mai ki te ipuwharerango o Tauhara North No.2 Trust.

My name is Mana and I am honored and blessed to be the current Group Chief Executive Officer of this Trust.

Tauhara North No.2 Trust is a Ahu Whenua Trust that manage the affairs of the Tauhara North No.2 whenua on behalf of its owners and descendants. The Trust distributes in excess of $1m yearly to our owners and whanau members through a number of grants including, health, education, vocational, and sports.

As an organisation with a purpose to improve the lives of our whanau, the Trust remains committed to supporting you, our owners and descendants and continually make decisions that put your needs first.

Our governance boards have provided outstanding support and guidance to our operations team which has made our mahi more effective and efficient. As our whānau needs grow so must our effectiveness and efficiency in meeting those needs. We look forward to sharing our mahi with you all and to listen to your ideas of how we can support each other in our common vision:

  • Kia mau ki te whenua – Hold fast to the land
  • Whakamahia te whenua – Work our land
  • Hei painga mo nga uri whakatipuranga – For our future generations

I would like to acknowledge and thank the kaimahi at the Trust and those across the Group who work so hard to service the needs of our whanau. It can be challenging mahi but is also very rewarding.

Finally, I want to extend my thanks and acknowledgement to you our whānau. Our whakapapa connection to our whenua is what holds us together as we navigate our course to enhance the mana and vibrancy of Tauhara North No.2 Trust.

No reira, i te whānau whanui, Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.

Mana Newton
Group Chief Executive Officer
Tauhara North No.2 Trust