Evelyn Forrest Trustee Director of Tauhara North Tourism Limited Home / Evelyn Forrest Nga mihi ki koutou katou, Ko te mihi tuatahi ki te Atua o nga mea katoa Ko te mihi tuarua ki te whenua me o tatou marae Tuatoru ki nga mate o te waa, haere, haere, haere atu ra. Tenei te mihi atu ki a tatou katoa Tena koe my name is Evelyn Forrest I am married to Winston Forrest (son of Tom and Miriama Forrest). Both Winston and I were born and raised in Reporoa and returned home to raise our own whanau here. I have always been passionate about the wellbeing of our people, the mana of our marae and the restoration of our lands. Raised around all our marae and attending hui-a-iwi from a young age with my mother Waina Skudder (nee Reweti), has afforded me the privilege of experiencing some of the issues and controversies our people face – past, present and into the future. It is a privilege to now use these experiences to serve as a Trustee on the Tauhara North No2 Trust Board. I continue to attend and represent our iwi well at a Co-Governance/Council level (Deputy Co-Chair WRC), as well as attending the Ministerial Forums as our iwi representative.My commitment and loyalty to our people and ensuring that our mana over our lands remains intact will always remain unwavering. No reira tena koutou, tena koutou, tena tatou katoa.