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Wikitoria Hepi Te Huia

Tēnei āu, tēnei āu
Te hōkai winiwini, te hōkai wanawana
Ki ngā rangi tūhaahaa, Kia mau te tapu, te ihi, te wehi, Ita kia mau, whakamaua kia tina, Hui e, taiki e….

Tēnā koutou e tō tātou nei whanau o TN2T me te whanau whānui o Ngāti Tahu Ngāti Whaoa
I derive my TN2T interests through my mother’s Ngāti Tahu whakapapa.
My mother is Hirapu Maggie Wharekawa married Te Akato Hepi;
My kuia is Herapeka Sarah Rameka Henare married Pairama George Wharekawa (and last Ngāti Tahu whanau to reside at Orakei Korako).
My koroua tupuna is Rameka Whakahoro Henare, brother of Whata Henare and husband of Ngawaoriki Hae-Hae Watene.

I have a background in Management and I am conversant in ‘Te reo Māori me ōna tikanga’.  I love my māoriness, my whanau, my whakapapa and my whenua.  It is through these 4 pou that encourages me to harness the most important value, which I continually aspire to achieve – manaaki tangata/servitude to my people, and to do my absolute best by and for my people ‘ahakoa he aha!’.  It is a commitment that I have always maintained during my tenure as a TN2T Trustee and remain steadfast to upholding my commitment to you all.  Finally, something that I have said before and still believe – you, our TN2T whanau, remain the most important people within the korowai of Tauhara North No.2 Trust – nō reira, tēna koutou, tēnā koutou, huri noa i te motu tēnā tātou katoa. ka huri.