Registered Vocational/Pathway training course grants offered by Tauhara North No.2 Trust are available to Owners, descendants and whanau (Excluding spouse/partners). These grants are issued for services provided within New Zealand only.
Applications may be made at anytime prior, during or after the course, providing the application is received within the calendar year the course was undertaken.
Applicants may make more than one application per financial year, up to the total value of $550.00 per calendar year.
To apply, please complete the form below: NOTE: Please wait for the confirmation message after you Submit your application. You will also receive an email confirming that we have received your submission.
To apply, please complete the form below:
NOTE: Please wait for the confirmation message after you Submit your application. You will also receive an email confirming that we have received your submission.
"*" indicates required fields
You have selected ‘No’, you are not eligible for a grant unless you successfully register with Tauhara North No.2 Trust. Please click here to register or call us on 0800 828 427 or email
Applicants must provide quotes and/or receipts for costs associated with the course of study. Associated costs may include tuition fees, equipment, text books, computer products/services, or stationary.