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2025 Trades Scholarships are now OPEN

About the Trade Scholarship

If you are enrolling as an apprentice or are studying a trade in 2025, you may be eligible for a Trade Scholarship.

A Trade is a job that needs special skill and that involves working with your hands, or a type of work in which such special skills are needed.

The Trades Scholarship is intended to support whanau members who are studying towards a Trade.

This includes study either in an institution such as Te Pukenga or on the job as an enrolled apprentice. The course undertaken must be for a full year towards a Level 2 – 6 Qualification (as defined by NZQA) and for 30 or more hours per week. (Includes hours as an Apprentice)If you are enrolled as an apprentice or are studying a trade, you may be eligible for a Trade Scholarship.

Scholarship Information

Tauhara North No.2 Trust Scholarships (“Trust Scholarships”) are administered and distributed by Charitable Company Limited. Trust Scholarships are intended to increase the participation levels in further education by reducing financial barriers.


  1. All registered NZ Owners, descendants and whanau (excluding spouse/partners) as recognized by Tauhara North No.2 Trust are eligible to apply for a Trust Scholarship.
  2. Applicants must be undertaking or intending to undertake a course of study for a full year towards a Level 2 – 6 Qualification (as defined by NZQA) and for 30 or more hours per week. (Includes hours as an Apprentice)

The Directors of CCL are not obliged to award any Trades scholarships in any year there is no candidate of sufficient merit. The decision of the Directors of CCL to award any scholarship is full and final.


Ten (10) Trades Scholarship are on offer $3000.00 – One Year

  1. Scholarships can be applied for and awarded for any year of the the program of study or training being undertaken.
  2. Scholarships may be held concurrently with other awards from other sources.
  3. Each scholarship must be taken up in the year/s for which it is awarded.

Application Process

  1. Applications must be completed and received by the CCL Grants Administration team no later than 31 January in the year study or training will commence.
  2. Applications for scholarships will be accepted from 1st January in the year that  study or training will commence.

Application Requirements

  1. Applicants must provide Educational results or Work history to date which relates directly to the training or study course being undertaken.
  2. Scholarships may be awarded provisionally by CCL Directors in cases where results are still outstanding. Confirmation of the scholarship being awarded will be provided upon CCL receiving the outstanding results showing academic capability.
  3. Applicants must provide an essay of 500-700 words; or a video about themselves outlining why they have chosen their programme of study, what they see as the benefits of the study, and their educational or career aspirations for themselves, their whanau, hapu and iwi;
  4. Applications must contain an endorsement letter or written reference.
  5. Applicants will be advised if their application was successful within six weeks of the close-off date.
  6. Applicants will be required to declare on their application, that any scholarship funds awarded will be used to cover costs associated with full-time tertiary study.
  7. Applications must be made on the Tauhara North No.2 Trust Trades Scholarship application form.

Use of Funds by Successful Applicants

All scholarships are intended to cover tuition fees in the first instance.

  1. Tuition fees will be paid directly to the education provider (CCL will pay upon receipt of the provider’s invoice).
  2. In the case that the tuition fees for the year have already been paid to the education provider via Studylink (Student Loan), CCL will repay Studylink the tuition fees portion of the loan up to the value of the scholarship awarded.
  3. In the case that tuition fees are to be paid in two payments (e.g. semester one and then another in semester two), CCL will pay the first semester fees upon receipt of the providers invoice. The remaining funds will be withheld to use towards payment of second semester fees once the providers invoice is received.
  4. Any remaining funds after all tuition fees are paid will be paid immediately and directly to the student. Should the remaining balance be $1,500 or more, CCL may request receipts or quotes that show the funds were used to cover costs associated with the course of study or training.
  5. If tuition fees have already been paid via another funding source, CCL Directors have the discretion to make payment for other costs identified by the student (i.e. course-related costs). Payment will be made direct to the provider in the first instance; or to the student directly in the second instance.

 Changes to Circumstances

  1. In the case that a scholarship recipient changes their programme of study from that which was outlined in their application, they must immediately notify CCL Directors in writing. The continued provision of the scholarship will be at the sole discretion of the Directors.
  2. If a recipient opts to withdraw from study during the tenure of their scholarship, they must inform CCL Directors immediately.
  3. In the event that a scholarship recipient withdraws from the enrolled course within a timeframe that refunds will be made by the Tertiary education provider, refunds must come back to CCL.
  4. In the event that a scholarship recipient withdraws from the enrolled course AFTER the timeframe within which the provider will give refunds, it will be at the CCL Directors discretion whether they request the recipient pay back the funds to CCL.
  5. In the event that a scholarship recipient needs to put their study on hold, they must:
    1. Advise CCL immediately using the ‘Tertiary Scholarship Change of Circumstances’ form.
    2. Provide the circumstances around the decision to CCL.
  6. CCL Directors will consider requests on a case by case basis and will advise their decision within six weeks of receiving the ‘Change of Circumstances’ form.

 Recipient Obligations

Recipients must present or provide a written report on their study year to the CCL Directors no later than 31 March in the year following that which the scholarship was awarded.

Recipient Opportunities

All successful recipients of a Scholarship from CCL will be offered the opportunity to participate in the CCL Internship Programme.

Late or Incomplete Applications Will Be Declined

Applicants will be advised if their application was successful within six weeks of the close-off date.