For parents who have lost their baby due to miscarriage or stillborn, is a special website dedicated to supporting you during this time.
Whanau you can apply for a funeral grant through Work and Income New Zealand. It is not designed to cover the entire funeral and is income and asset tested. Note: this is only available if the deceased was a NZ citizen or permanent resident and living in New Zealand at the time of their death.
If your whanau member passed due to a personal injury covered by the Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation, and Compensation Act 2011, funeral costs to a certain amount will be paid by ACC. A form needs to be completed and can be downloaded from ACC or you can call the Accidental Death Unit on 0800 222 075 for further information.
If your whanau member has passed suddenly and the Coroner is involved, this information will help your whanau.
How NCEA Works